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Auntie Yanna is a life long book and reading enthusiast having started her reading journey as a young child at her late dad’s bookshop.
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The School’s final spelling bee compentition is in two weeks. Aziza is scared because she is in the final of the competition. She is very unsure of herself especially because some children at school make fun of her. With the reassuring words of her mother, Mama Heri, and a special song composed by her brother Heri, she feels brave once more. will she win the competition? Aziza’s gift is the first storybook in the Auntie Yanna series. it is written to entertain, teach, as well as build a strong positive value system in the reader. while the story is written for children between ages 7 to 10, the lessons taught are usefull for children across all age groups. Be sure to get the next book in the serie