Everything functional in human life, can be traced to certain obeyed principles; be it success, victories, promotion or any level of rising. The working knowledge of principles and the science of their engagement, births desirable results. If you look closely at your life, you would agree with me that in almost all situations that happened to you-to some extent, you were in agreement with their conditioning. Your reactions or responses to those situations constituted the outcome. Nothing progresses effectively, unless by Right Principles of Functionalism. The knowledge and the right engagement of Principles, leads to effectiveness. ‘Greatness’ is a life’s pursuit desired by all. It is a component that is inherent in all creation. However, only a few achieve it. It is a quality of being distinctively impactful (or great as in size, skill, achievement, or power). In other words, ‘greatness’ is excellence, perfection, preeminence or supremacy. All of us yearn to be great in one area or the other. However, only a few arrive at this place of supremacy. We were made to flourish potently. Conversely, not many people reach this apex in life, let alone experience the sweetness of flourishing in their engagements. As much as greatness is within the creature, very few exemplify this nature.
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